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Xiamen Mayor Huang Wenhui Investigates the Dazhong Micro Nano 100 MW Flexible (Lightweight) Component Mass Production Line

(Image source: Xiamen Television News)

(Image source: Xiamen Daily)

On January 19, 2024, Huang Wenhui, Deputy Secretary of the Xiamen Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Government Party Group, and Mayor, visited the Dazheng Micro Nano 100 MW Flexible (Lightweight) Component Mass Production Line for on-site research and guidance, to gain a detailed understanding of the company's production and operation, product research and development, capital increase and expansion, and other situations.

Mayor Huang Wenhui emphasized that all levels and departments of the government should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, adhere to the guidance of scientific and technological innovation in the construction of modern industrial systems, vigorously promote new industrialization, accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces, continuously enhance the momentum of high-quality development, and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity in the economy. We need to deepen the implementation of the advanced manufacturing industry doubling plan, accelerate the cultivation of a group of specialized, refined, unique, and new small giant enterprises, manufacturing industry champions, and unicorn enterprises, promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry, based on our city's scientific research advantages and industrial characteristics, deepen the cooperation and project docking between industry, academia, research and application, and achieve efficient and coordinated development of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. We must adhere to the principle of "two unwavering principles", deepen the special action of "benefiting enterprises and providing services", actively help enterprises solve problems in talent introduction, research and development innovation, and land use guarantee, so that enterprises can invest, operate, and focus on entrepreneurship with peace of mind.

(Image source: Xiamen Television News)

Our technical director, Professor Li Xin, and equipment director presented to the leaders the development history, performance achievements, 100 MW flexible (lightweight) module mass production line (under construction), and advanced flexible (lightweight) perovskite solar cell products of Taisho Microelectronics. Mayor Huang Wenhui affirmed the practice of Dazhong Microelectronics in adhering to innovation driven, continuously improving product competitiveness and market share, and hoped that Dazhong Microelectronics can firmly rooted in Xiamen, target the forefront of the industry, increase core technology research and development, and further specialize, refine, optimize, and strengthen.

The inspection and research conducted by Mayor Huang, the city leaders he led, and the leaders of Haicang District are of great significance to our company, and also highly affirm and encourage our work.Da Zheng Micro Nano will take root in Xiamen and continue to be committed to improving the level of flexible perovskite photovoltaic technology and equipment, promoting the industrialization and practicality of flexible (lightweight) perovskite batteries, and contributing to the development and utilization of clean energy and the development of the perovskite industry.

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