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Research and development of high-efficiency silicon-based cells, high-efficiency and stable calcium titanite cells and other technologies! Science and technology to support the implementation plan for carbon neutral carbon peaks (2022-2030) is out

Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology and nine other departments on the issuance of the "Science and Technology to support the implementation of the carbon peak carbon neutral program (2022-2030)" notice, the notice repeatedly mentioned photovoltaic.

Research and development of high-efficiency silicon-based photovoltaic cells, high-efficiency and stable calcium titanium ore batteries and other technologies, research and development of carbon fiber fan blades, ultra-large offshore wind turbine complete design and manufacturing and installation test technology, typhoon-resistant offshore floating wind turbines, floating photovoltaic systems. Research and development of high-reliability, low-cost solar thermal power generation and cogeneration technology, breakthroughs in high-temperature heat absorption, heat transfer and heat storage key materials and equipment. Research and development of multi-purpose small modular reactors and ultra-high temperature gas-cooled reactors and other technologies with high safety. Research and development of geothermal power generation, ocean energy power generation and biomass power generation technology.

New high-efficiency photovoltaic cell technology. Research on new photoelectric conversion principles that can break through the theoretical efficiency limit of single-junction photovoltaic cells, and research on new photovoltaic cell technologies based on new materials and new structures such as high-efficiency thin-film cells and laminated cells.

Light storage, direct and flexible power supply and distribution. Research on the key equipment and flexible technology of light storage and direct flexible power supply and distribution, building photovoltaic integration technology system, regional - building energy system source network, load storage technology and equipment.

Advanced low-carbon zero-carbon technology demonstration project. (1) zero-carbon / low-carbon energy demonstration projects: construction of large-scale high-efficiency photovoltaic, floating offshore wind power demonstration projects; construction of "wind and wind complementary" and other demonstration projects in renewable energy distribution concentration areas; establishment of a number of distributed energy "source - network - load - storage - digital The "integrated virtual power plant"; strengthen the hydrogen production - storage - transmission - with the whole chain of technology research, organize and implement the "hydrogen into ten thousand homes" science and technology demonstration projects; in coal-rich areas to build clean and efficient use of coal, coal-fired units flexible peaking, coal preparation chemicals and other demonstration projects. (2) Low-carbon/zero-carbon industrial process reengineering demonstration projects: build integrated demonstration projects in key industries such as iron and steel, cement, chemical industry, non-ferrous industry, etc., such as large-scale hydrogen-rich gas smelting, biomass fuel/hydrogen/renewable energy power substitution, renewable energy production chemicals, high-performance inert anodes and new process reengineering. (3) Green intelligent transportation demonstration project: carry out scenario-driven demonstration of self-consistent energy system technology for transportation, and implement low-carbon intelligent road, waterway, port and hub demonstration projects. (4) Low-carbon and zero-carbon building demonstration projects: build large-scale demonstration projects of new building power supply and distribution with light storage and direct flexibility, long-distance industrial waste heat low-carbon centralized heat supply demonstration projects, build demonstration projects of nuclear power waste hot water heat with heat transmission in northern coastal areas, and organize and implement a number of high-performance green building technology demonstration projects in typical climate zones. (5) CCUS technology demonstration project: the construction of large oil and gas fields CCUS technology full process demonstration project, promote the application of CCUS and industrial process coupling, carbon dioxide high-value utilization demonstration.


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